The source and destination of this life is Love. Our only work in this life is to care for one another and for life itself.
Our offerings are born of the care we are holding for each other, for our families and community, for you, for this one Earth. They are born of our dedication to walking the heart way, and offered in dedication to the essence of life, to our ancestors and our descendents.
Our songs are made in the fire of love, fueled by the heartbreak, the joy, the hope, and the wonder we offer as kindling, and the reverence we hold for the creative expression that is this life itself. We give ourselves fully to this music, to this way of life, to this unfolding.
We pray for insight, connection, and balance, and that somehow our songs can bear and transmit the energy of wholeness-interconnectedness-integrity. We pray that the music makes you feel good. We pray for your well-being, for the well-being of all creation.
We claim no mastery, we hold no lineage, no “way.” We have been granted many gifts by our ancestors, our teachers, none greater than the reminder that all the medicine we need is right here, again and again, with each breath in grateful recognition that we are forever arriving and abiding in this Great Fullness. All ways lead from, and converge to here - now, always.
We welcome you to this fireplace, to this way of living and praying that holds and honors All Ways.
All Ways sings of the essences of this great mystery, the sacred gift of life. We offer our love, our prayer, our music as medicine for each and every one. We hope that our music helps open us all to the grace that is always present in the here and now, and recognize that even when we’re lost in the darkness, we are no less a part of the vital essence that binds us together as expressions of this art of life itself.
All Ways offers songs, live music, events, prayerful sound experiences, and collaborations with others in service of the well-being of all life. We give fully to all the endeavors we commit to.
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